The BIG day came and I can't wait until next year! There was so much to do, the previous few days we had perfected the wagon sailboat (turned out to be a fail, I was not happy with it), made the signs and oars (I LOVED them and was very happy with myself), pack the trucks (notice the plural, the Expo and Van were packed), and our next days agenda was set.
We would leave by 8:30, get Dunkin Coffee because let's face it we all needed it, except me, I got tea! Leaving by 8:30 didn't happen, it was more like 9:00, 9:15ish. We got our morning needs and were off to the Bob Carpenter Center. Ten minutes later, we had arrived, parked in the circle, found our tent space and began to unload! Set up our tents, put out the food and coolers, decorated to make it festive, and laid out our blankets! Shawn was in a bit of a tizzy, so I took Hannah to the Dollar Store because I forgot string, we picked up my friends from campus, and were back on our way to the tents! People began arriving while others explored the festivities surrounding us; cute kids, face painting, moon bounces, obstacle courses, raffles, food, and friends!
Time really seemed to be flying by and soon enough we were being called to line up and kick of the walk!
Our Crew! When you're walking, we seem to be really small but.... |
Great friends help you in supporting great causes! |
So adorable. Ryley and Hannah! |
Meet Ryley Sweet, our youngest fundraiser! See that Skittles can? It contains: $45.09. She raised this money all by herself, her friends helped contribute, she saved her change, this girl is phenomenal! She has big dreams, she wants to get a sponsor for the next walk! Props to Ryley! Thank you!
Bailey! I don't even want to guess what she's thinking about! |
By the end of the day, that sign faded so much! Next year we'll get a real one! |
I love her with all my heart and more, to the moon and back! |
Thanks CleanPro for your generous donation to the raffle table! |
My signs I made...a pain to glue but well worth it! |
Charlie, displaying the oar! |
What it's all about! |
Mama laughing, with her mouth wide open! |
Our wonderful Crew! |
The walk was long, a whole two laps around the track! |
So we do what we gotta do! |
Andrew! |
I don't know who made these but thank you! It's wonderful! |
So maybe I got tired, I mean I didn't sleep the night before! Thanks to a little thing called excitement! |
Adrianna beautifully displaying one of the oars! |
Group shot! |
Pops and Natalie! |
That's Mr. Rick in there, Kayla's dad!...Hannah dunked him! |
Too handsome right?! |
One of my friends, Joe. This picture is just so adorable! |
Before we knew it, the day was over! It was such an amazing day with amazing family and weather! Thank you to each and everyone of you who walked, promoted, donated to Natalie's Crew!
See you in October for the Board Walk Buddy Walk!
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